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1. Stop and stare at small noises for no apparent reason.

2. Approach well known articles of clothing with a fully fluffed tail.

3. When a mouse actually appears, completely ignore it.

4. Wait until other household member is sick of hearing mouse noises and sets trap.

5. Keep a close eye on trap.

6. When trap successfully does it job, proudly trot through house with mouse (and trap) in mouth. If early morning, deposit it in middle of bed.

7. Yell bloody murder when mouse is taken away and thrown outside. (Other neighborhood cats will take credit!!!!)

Snickers catch a mouse, yea right... She could have had one one morning and she just sat and stared at it. The poor mouse was just laying there scared almost to death until I walked over to it and then it turned around, passed Snickers and under a stand, never to be seen again....

~Clawssary~Everything My Human Knows~Book Page 3
~Book Page 4~Book Page 5~How to Catch a Mouse
~Cats on Friendship future future